Whereas traditional medicine tends to focus in the area of the pain, chiropractors consider the entire kinetic chain. Dysfunctional neurological patterns in the neck can cause abnormal firing patterns in different muscles, including the ones that lead into the wrist and hand. Therefore, it is important to consider the mechanics of your neck and upper back. Vertebral subluxations in these areas could be one of the main contributing factors to your CTS!
In addition, chiropractors also know how the alignment of the bones in your wrist and elbow could be the cause of your symptoms. When joints are not aligned properly, the resulting inflammation and pain can cause spasm of the muscles in the area of the subluxation, plus irritation of the surrounding soft tissues. This alone could be the cause of the swelling and irritation of the tendons in the carpal tunnel. Sometimes, just a quick and gentle adjustment applied to one of the bones in these areas can help relieve the pressure.
When it comes to carpal tunnel syndrome, like any other maladies in the body, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! You should always...
• Consider the ergonomics of your workstation. Repetitive movements are not the problem—it is repetitive movement when your muscles and joints are at a disadvantage, leading to repetitive strain and pain.
• Take regular breaks when your job requires repetitive tasks. During your break periods, a little bit of stretching (of the tight muscles) can go a long way.
• Seek help when the CTS symptoms are just beginning to show up. The earlier you attend to these aches and pains, the better the chances of coming to a quick resolution of this painful condition.
If you start to feel the symptoms of CTS, feel free to contact me. Chiropractic care can be a very effective tool to reduce the symptoms of CTS. I can conduct special tests to help determine the cause of the problem, and adjustments delivered right away can help prevent it from becoming a painful, chronic problem.
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