Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Benefits of Stretching

Stretching is integral to your health, as it helps maintain proper mobility, alignment and function. Although there are a number of stretching techniques that have developed over the years, there are two basic stretching protocols: dynamic and static.
Dynamic stretching involves movement to increase range of motion (like performing arm circles). Static stretching involves little or no movement while increasing your end-range (holding a stretch). Static stretching usually involves a more relaxed mindset and can be considered more effective for postural muscles. Dynamic stretching is more commonly used before strenuous exercise. There are also stretching techniques such as PNF, whereby muscles are stretched immediately following a strong contraction - taking advantage of neuromuscular reflexes to achieve better results.
Regardless of which technique is used, the goal is always the same: warm up the muscles first with some gentle calisthenics, then bring the target muscle into an elongated position and encourage it to stay there. As the muscles are trained to stay in their lengthened position, less pressure is exerted on the joints, and a more natural, balanced state will be achieved in the musculoskeletal system.

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