Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rib Cage Pain

Patients often ask me if I can help pain in the chest or rib area.  This is especially common in people who work at Microsoft or other places where they are in front of a computer most of the day.  The main causes of rib cage and chest pain are mechanical, trauma, nerve inflammation, and organ issues.

Chiropractic care is very effective for the first three causes and much less effective for the last.  The problem is that if you experience sudden onset of pain in this area it can be hard to tell what you should do.  If you think you might be having a heart attack or have significant shortness of breath, the best action is to call 911 right away. 

Otherwise, we can evaluate this sort of problem to determine the cause and whether we can help.  Many times, the pain is from the spine or ribs simply not moving correctly.  That is something that usually responds very well to chiropractic care.

To prevent problems be sure to get up from your computer on a regular basis and move around even if it is only for a coupe minutes.  Breathe deeply to expand the chest.  This keeps movement in the area as well as refreshes the air in your lungs.  Engage in regular physical activitiy.  Both cardio and weight training have benefits for your core and chest area.  Let me know if I can be of any help in evaluating a problem you are having or in recommending further exercises.

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