Tuesday, April 13, 2010

That Evil Belly Fat!

We all know how problematic belly fat can be.  But did you know there are actually two kinds of fat?  Subcutaneous fat is jiggly fat that rests between your skin and abdominal wall.  Visceral fat is the next layer and surrounds your internal organs.  Visceral fat is biologically active.  That means it produces an excess of hormones.  This may increase the risk of insulin resistance which may lead to diabetes.  Visceral fat also boosts inflammation throughout your body and raises the risk of breast cancer in women.

Poor diet, lack of exercise, and genetics can all play a role in the accumulation of this problem.  As a society our work activities are becomming less physically active.  Americans love unhealthy fatty foods and refined carbohydrates (white flour and white sugar.)  It's much too easy to develop far more belly fat than what is healthful. 

How much is too much?  Experts say that a bare abdominal measurement just above the hips of 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women is a tipping point.  At and above this level, the risk for various diseases increases substantially. 

I'm ready.  Let's get rid of it!  Good, start with exercise.  Even just a walk around the block is a good start.  Work into the activity on a gradient so that you are not overwhelmed.  Try to work up to at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three times per week. Begin to include exercise with weights.  By increasing your muscle mass, you speed up your metabolism.  And did you know, muscles burn calories all day and all night?

Eat less and eat better.  Take smaller portions.  No seconds.  At restaurants always leave enough on your plate to require a doggy bag.  Eat only whole grains.  Avoid all refined (white) sugar and flour.  Not only will this help you loose some of the belly fat, it lowers the overall inflammatory level in your body.  That lowers your risk of many illnesses including heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and diabetes.

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