Scientific research clearly illustrates that cold
medications are not the answer to relieving childhood cold symptoms. And, since
the common cold is caused by a virus, antibiotics (which fight bacteria, not viruses) are not effective. But there are
still ways to provide your child relief, without resorting to drugs.
All natural cold
relief for children
6. Focus on prevention
The ideal way to get some sniffle-free time this winter? Stop colds before they start. Cold viruses are spread from one person to another by hand contact, coughing and sneezing. Make hand washing a habit in your house, teach kids to sneeze and cough into a tissue or the crook of their arm (never into their hands) and avoid exposure to sick friend and relatives.
Psychological stress has also been linked to the common cold. Investigators at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh inoculated 276 people with the common cold virus. Subjects who reported high levels of chronic stress had a much greater chance of developing a full blown cold, compared with less- stressed individuals (Heath Psychology 1988;17:214-23). How can you keep your kids from "stressing out?" Talk to them - ask direct questions regarding their feelings about potential stressors such as schoolwork, relationships with peers and family issues.
8. Honey for your honeys
One remedy to try for children's coughs over the age of 1: Honey ( Never give a child under the age of 1 honey due to the risk of infantile botulism.)
Study's in the Achives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine found honey to be more effective than cough medicine or no treatment for children's coughs.
Based on parental surveys , researchers reported that "significant differences in symptom improvement were detected between treatments groups, with honey consistently scoring the best and no treatment scoring the worst." The researchers also found that "comparison of honey with dextromethoorphan (a drug used in over-the-counter sough suppressants) revealed no significant differences." (Arch pediatr Adolesc Med 2007;161:1140-6.)
9. Zinc sulfate
The mineral zinc also has antioxidant effects
and is vital to the body's resistance to infection and for tissue repair. Zinc
is also thought to stimulate the immune system.
A study in 2207 in the Journal Pediatrics International looked at 150 children with cold symptoms who revived either oral zinc containing zinc sulfate or placebo. The researchers concluded that zinc sulfate "appears to be effective in reducing the severity of the cold symptoms in healthy children. (Pediatr Int 2007;49:842-7.)
A wealth of research
associated antioxidants with disease prevention. Antioxidants are essential
nutrients. They help protect the body against life stressors and play a role in
the body’s cell protection system.
Eating food high in antioxidants – beta carotene
and other
carotenoids, Vitamin C,
E, , may be a good way to help build a
strong immune system. Glutathione is
another nutrient that has been found to strengthen the immune system so it can
fight infections. Foods
high in phytochemicals are also important for wellness.
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