Friday, November 27, 2009

Holiday Help

This time of year can be a very exciting time with lots of fun and enjoyable activities. However, it can also be a time where we are thrown off our schedules and especially our diet. Here's a few tips to help with those holiday indulgences and dietary variations.

First, try to stick to the same eating schedule as much as possible. Certainly on Thanksgiving Day you may not have a lot of choice. That can set the stage for several days of imbalance. Try to get back on track the very next day. If you are out early shopping, stop around the time you would normally eat breakfast and get a healthy snack. Even just a banana will help to let your body know to get back on schedule. Drink some extra water before a big meal. It helps to fill you up a little and not be as tempted to overeat. It also helps reduce your consumption of alcohol by satisfying your thirst with the fluid your body really needs.

If you end up drinking too much, be very sure to get at least one to two glasses of water before bedtime. When you wake up the next day, have another one to two glasses of water before you do anything else. There are many remedies for what we might call "post-indulgence syndrome" but the single most important thing you can do is increase your water intake.

I hope these few tips will help make this Holiday your best ever!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Flu

Interested in preventing the flu naturally? We've all heard the ususal wash your hands frequently and get more water. That's good advice but I also see a lot of relationship to stress and fatigue. Many times we push ourselves so hard that our immune system is compromised. As we move into fall and winter make an extra effort to get more rest. Maybe that means going to bed 1/2 to 1 hour earlier. Maybe that means a 20-30 minute nap at mid-day. Whatever works for you that allows a bit more rest. Also try to keep up your exercise program even as the holidays approach. That will help with stress reduction and keeping your body moving. Daily movement is best even if it isn't a full work out.

Finally, reduce the amount of sugar, junk food, and caffeine you eat and drink. All of those are linked to decreased immune function. Instead eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Have two at each meal and for between meal snacks. Next time, I'll discuss more about natural supplements and remedies to prevent or treat the flu.