Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Day In The Life Of A Spine...

Does your spine need the help of a Redmond Chiropractor? Give us a call!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


The TMJ or temporomandibular joint, causes problems for many people. Lately we have been seeing a lot of people who come to us for other reasons and then casually mention that they are also having TMJ problems. I'm glad they mention it, but it's unfortuante that they had to suffer unecessarily with it just because they didn't know what to do.

The TMJ is a joint much like many others in your body. It connects the jawbone (mandible) to your head. It is the pivot point allowing you to chew food. Unlike some joints, it has a disc on the inside called a meniscus. This serves to cushion the joint and allow a greater degree of motion.

Due to various stresses (injuries, muscle trauma, mental stress, and dental work among others) the TMJ can become damaged or out of balance. The symptoms may include pain in the jaw, loss of full mouth opening, difficulty chewing, grinding or noises in the joint, headaches, and ringing in the ear. Standard treatment has consisted of bite plates (appliances,) medication, and psychosocial counseling. Seldom is surgery performed.

However, using the Activator Method, we have been achieving very good results with TMJ problems for many years. This consists of several tests and evaluation of the head, TMJ, and cervical spine (neck.) If indicated, we make a series of very gentle corrective thursts to the TMJ using the Activator instrument. Often there are contributory cervical spine problems that we will address at the same time.

We only accept mild to moderate cases for treatment (refering more severe cases to a dentist or orthodontist) and our results are very good. Over 90% of our patients get substantial or total relief of their symptoms and similar restoration of function.

Our sincere wish is that more people would call us right away when they experience any of the above symptoms. While we can help those with chronic TMJ-related problems, we hate to see needless suffering, so visit our Redmond Chiropractic office.