Monday, October 25, 2010


What if I told you that there was a compound that if taken regularly could reduce blood pressure, cut obesity, decrease inflammation, control blood sugar, reduce strokes, and fight cancer, would you want some?

Recent studies have shown that resveratrol can help with all those things.  Resveratrol is a natural substance used by some plants to protect themselves from fungus and bacteria.  The best sources are red grapes, pomegranates, and blueberries.

So eat more red grapes.  Add fresh or frozen blueberries to your diet on a regular basis.  Pomegranate juices are widely available but watch out for the added sugar.  Red wine is also a good source.  In fact, that is how this gained public attention.  It was noticed that the French eat a relatively high fat diet but have lower incidence of cardiovascular disease than North Americans.  Many believe that the difference is that the French drink considerably more red wine.  Enjoy!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sacroiliac Joints and Chiropractic

What are the sacroiliac joints you might be thinking.  They are two large very important joints in the pelvis.  They play a key role in lower body stability and movement.  When they get strained repetitively, the ligaments around the joints can lose some of their structural integrity.  Since these joints work together, if one becomes unstable or restricted in it's motion, the other joint will often be affected too.

They are also part of the foundation of your spine and if malfunctioning can cause stress and strain at many places above.  The hip joints can be affected as well.  In my practice I commonly see patients with hip pain where the likely cause is chronic S-I malfunction.  Sometimes people will come in with groin pain, pain into the buttocks, or pain down the leg like sciatica.  Frequently these symptoms are related to S-I problems too.

The best possible treatment for S-I problems is chiropractic adjustments.  You may also need stretching or strengthening exercises, orthotics (arch supports), braces, massage or other treatments.  However, the first step for best results is the adjustment.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Medications affect nutrients

Many Americans eat a diet high in fat and sugar and low in fruits and vegetables.  We also take a very large amount of prescription drugs.  48% of the population has taken a prescription drug in the last month.  These two issues are very interrelated.

Eating a diet like that will cause depletion of many nutrients and an inadequate intake of many others as well.  Plus, half of the top 20 most prescribed drugs cause nutrient depletion.  This doesn't mean you should just stop taking your medications however.  Talk with your doctors, pharmacists, and other professionals.  Become educated on which ones can cause this type of problem.  If you take medications regularly, ask your doctor if there are more natural alternatives or if one or more medications could be eliminated.

For more information, ask me for a copy of our newsletter of the week which goes in to more detail about specific types of drugs and the associated nutrient depletions.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Can Chiropractic help depression?

Although most people originally seek chiropractic care for back or neck pain, many people are surprised by the positive effect chiropractic adjustments can also have on their state of mind.  In fact, people with depression are much more likely to also be experiencing chronic pain.  So when we relieve that pain, it is a great emotional relief as well.  I see it almost every day in the faces of my patients. 

Just recently a patient came in who had been in chronic pain for over a year.  She had many tests, blood work, MRI's, and etc.  The doctors suggested that it was in her head.  She was of course depressed over that and the fact that she was almost always in pain.  After just her first adjustment, there was relief.  She slept better than she had in a very long time.  The relief and a good nights sleep made all the difference for her.  I could see in her facial expressions that she had a totally improved attitude. 

The irritation to the nervous system that spinal problems can cause not only brings you down physically but mentally as well.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Joint Supplements

Many people ask me if there are supplements that can help with spine and joint healing.  While everyone will benefit from a healthy balanced diet, that is one of the chief recommendations I have when healing from spine and joint problems.  Many people eat far too much sugar and other refined carbohydrates such as white flour.  Among other things, high amounts of this in your diet promote inflammation.  This is a fundamental problem in the type of conditions I see everyday.  So a good diet is really your best supplement.

However, one other supplement can be quite helpful and that is glucosamine.  It is the most widely used supplement for relieving joint pain.  But it also serves as a building block for the development of cartilage molecules.  Glucosamine is well tolerated by most people.  Some forms are derived from shellfish so if you have a shellfish allergy, avoid those.  One study showed that over the long term, glucosamine offered the same level of pain relief as aspirin.  However, aspirin contributed to increased levels of arthritis in joints so affected while glucosamine helped lubricate the surfaces of the joints and thus slowed arthritis.

So many times we see the latest wonder supplement and wonder if it is right for us.  I don't recommend that everyone with a sore back take glucosamine.  But when there are long-term problems such as chronic pain or arthritis, it can be very helpful.  Ask us if you have any questions about whether it is appropriate for you.